"When is your breaking point?"
-Pastor Mike


r[o]n said...

when the redskins lose.

when is yours?!

Bryan B said...

when i have to go to work at UPS!

NAE NAE said...

LMFAO! yaw crazy.

i believe my breaking point i when im not given the recognition i deserve.

Sandra G. said...


My breaking point......
we all know what that is...
it's when people cut me off when im driving.. LOL... and when people yell and honk their horns when I have a freakin' flat tire and can't move my damn car... that's when I break. LOL

NAE NAE said...


Bryan B said...

yeah Sandra ppl act so stupid on the road. cuz when my car broke down on this lil highway joint at the light. this dumb bitch pulled up right behind me and when the light turned green she was honkin her horn at me. I was like dumb bitch dont you see my "caution lights" and my fuckin door is open with my foot out! So i put up my middle finger at her!


Sandra G. said...

OMG! Same thing happened here... I know the bitch saw my hazard lights... and she pulls up right on my ass and starts honking the horn. UGH!

NAE NAE said...

well guys, i dont drive so i wont speak on that. lol

G.. i can dig it. lol